I Can See My Feet Again

By James Rioux

August 1998 I began my truck driving career weighing in at 260 lbs. About 6 years ago with an almost total lack of access to healthy food choices available to over the road truck drivers, I ballooned to 320 lbs. That grand cellulose accumulation had a lot to do with the 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola that I was drinking per day. The sugar intake from that much soda notwithstanding, I began my daily caloric intake at the 900 plus level due to the Coke alone.

Today I am weighing in at 249 lbs, a weight that I last remember in my post high school years in the late 1970′s. My concern about my health really began way back in 1986 when my father died of “the big one”, a man that I never knew to be sick a day in his life. He was a smoker but had just quit after 40 years, but evidently, one heart attack too late. The time that I spent since then considering my own medical fate was mostly spent “learning” from the very sources that have set us up for nutritional failure. Folks in the medical industry aren’t interested in nutrition because good dietary practices don’t feed their enormous appetite for office visits, prescriptions and medical procedures. The food industry has created sugar junkies with an average 2 week sugar intake today that 100 years ago would take us a year to consume. The chemical industry has developed 75,000 synthetic chemicals since the 1940′s that are in our food, air, water, and clothing.

So what was a porker like me to do? I was forced to boldly go where others dare not go by learning to discern for myself the good information from the bad. I listened to alternative programming on the radio and validated for myself through other independent sources that I heard that I eventually determined to be valid information. I stayed away from mainstream media of all kinds because they were validating for each other the fraud that they have been committing on the public. The fraud is so deeply entrenched in the industries that were cavorting with each other that even they couldn’t see beyond the trees in their forests of lies.

Bitter ? Not really ! However, if I were to live beyond the 62 years that my father lived, I was going to have to start my own search. It took a network marketing company like Trevo, with a Founder like Mark Stevens to spend years of his life and millions of his own money to create a nutritional supplement that would alleviate the years of suffering that he witnessed his mother endure. And now with a vision of improved global wellness, Mark is spreading the good news of Trevo to anyone that will listen.

I am a Trevo Health & Life Coach who has caught that vision and want just 3 or 4 minutes of your time to share with you the answer to your health concerns and wealth accumulation ambitions. You were meant to be healthy and to live the life that proper nutrition would afford you and your family. You were born with the seeds of greatness within you and deserve the level of income that will provide for you and your family for the rest of your life. Contact me at 1-225-505-4960 in the US, email me at TrevoHealthClub@gmail.com or Skype me at TrevoHealthClub. Again, my Trevo corporate site is http://www.TrevoHealthClub.com.

James Rioux

Trevo Health & Life Coach


One Comment Add yours

  1. Sharon Jahr says:

    Great job my friend! It’s so fabulous to see the changes that happen when people start on Trevo. Change does take time. Keep us posted on your journey!

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